
While we couldn

While we couldn’t blame the fund managers for the bubble, it left us with a sick feeling of not being in control of our own future. More recently having crossed that mid-life milestone we realized that even with the 401k contributions, we were not on track to meet our financial goals. History told us that maybe we shouldn’t rely just on the advice from the financial service industry and the so-called “experts” on television. Then just to seal the deal, the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression hit the U.S. and the world. Sadly and painfully, at the tail end of 2008, that investment was worth even less! The financial services industry was steering our golden years into the poor house. If you too weren’t affected by the tech bubble, most certainly you were impacted significantly by the financial crisis of 2008. 
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is an index of supposedly the largest and most stable growth companies in the United States 

