
Password Moss's love

Password Moss's love 
Baidu password in it, this will keep abreast of 1668 has been named as a "distress call, I almost want to burst the" posts, the post master HighnessC said: "Recently, and a favorite of the girls confession, who knows her to a Morse code to me, saying that solution out and I agreed to date. But I have exhausted all methods of this password can not be untied.. ah well depressed. can only help you. " 
"She only gave me the prompt that this is a 5 layer encryption password, which means to crack the password is the answer to 5 layers." "Final language is English." HighnessC said. At this time is at 4:23 on January 23, 2008. This post will soon aroused the concern of friends, and in the evening on the 23rd day, 20:02, register the name for the film Yi angel friends in the first floor, 207 mystery solved. 

Mysterious Morse code 

      "****-/*---- /----*/****-/****-/*----/---**/*----/* ***-/*----/-****/***--/****-/*---- /----*/**---/-** **/**---/**---/***--/--***/****-/"。 
  This is love as Morse code. Moss password are the corresponding letters of the alphabet and numbers. However, things apparently did not as simple as that. 

      But you can tell everyone that the landlord was pleased with the final answer, and ending. This by an asterisk, boldface and slash the Morse code is indeed in the 5-storey conversion only after clearing the dark clouds appear bright. Imagine American Morse code has also been issued mosse are things in 1844, the then Moss could not think of anyway should be, and his password even after more than a hundred years to this form. 

       At first, before users have posted a Morse code table, and then found the corresponding password that corresponds to the number of combinations and letter combinations in English are: "4194418141634192622374" and "daiddahadafcdaibfbbcgd" There are what Hsuanchi? While HighnessC in the recommendation of friends, had been "working very hard to in the sets of her words had." 

      More children's dark blue Netizen software "Password Wizard" on this Moss password crack, but in addition to understanding the results of reverse digital, instead of the password and the letters in reverse order, as well as to calculate the various letters of the alphabet after the emergence of probability is still nothing. At this time is 23 pm 13:37 thing, dark blue and has a child posts to the first floor, 32. 

      But on the 38 floor of magic users who Pikachu from Morse code with the corresponding figures said: "The figures have even-numbered months, and noted the emergence of a number of 41 combinations." Magic De Pikachu and try to figure reversed to find the law, and also try to use the number of the corresponding English letter combinations to crack, but did not find a law. 

      Further progress 

      Immediately after the 40 floor, users are prompted to killing_ill lightly: "The mobile phone keypad now." "Mobile phone keypad, then .. one simply does not represent any significance ah? Is the representative of a space?" impatient HighnessC in the floor, followed by 41 replies Road. However, after further discussion is the 68th floor, the Morse code or no progress has been made, 68 floor legend Cancer Netizen also think of the possible and relevant psychology and mathematics. 

      In a later message, except to add new friends once again referred to the phone keypad, and the rest give users a variety of answers, such as "7481 (let you die)", or "take a look at your wallet, there are what," but Strictly speaking, these answers are suspect, the original Morse code, still no one can stand the scrutiny of a reasonable path to follow. 

      This time, friends ybaba in the afternoon 17:36 No. 115 labeled "ha ha" laugh in the top left so many words. "We pay attention to this group of figures, the figures are the biggest range of 1-9, the cell phone a total of 10 number buttons 0 and 1 which does not correspond to any letters, so there is 0 and why there is this one?" 

      "This is the only two even-numbered 4, corresponding to 9 and 7, take a look at your phone, only the keys corresponding to 9 and 7 only other four-letter corresponds to only three." Ybaba to do in their own without After weighing the results, but also has left this sentence. If users can _hh upstairs at No. 151 said: "The landlord into deep pain." 

      Finally, in the evening 18:39, Angel Yi-chip users in 158 House, and said that she has been completely out of the solution, but also comfort landlord: "The landlord Oh how are you happiness." However, the film Yi angel has deliberately sold months Guanzizhen that again later told everyone the answer, and prompts that there is indeed a substitute for law, Morse code table is also true that human beings are likely to be used every day things. 

      The answer "I LOVE YOU TOO" 

      Yi Angels films in the following keep abreast of the urging of friends, Evening 20:02 207 floor again, and revealed the answer to Morse code, but also give the answers to the steps at this time This post has been posted to p. 7. Yi-chip angel from the Morse code to the figures, from the figures pushed to the mobile phone keyboard and the computer keyboard, then re-sorted order, and then switching, "I LOVE YOU TOO" will get to the bottom of the. 

      Yi-chip Angel Moss password corresponding to the number "41 94 41 81 41 63 41 92 62 23 74" converted into cell phone keypad letters to 41 as an example, its counterpart is that the traditional phone keypad on the "4" the first letters, "94" is "9" the first four letters. This film Yi Angels have been the answer to the second step: "GZGTGOGXNCS". 

      Then, Angel Yi-chip will convert those letters of the alphabet to become a computer keyboard playing out the letters. Yi-chip angel said, "because the format qwe are recognized worldwide, it has the potential to become the password code table. Code table QWE = ABC followed by analogy." In accordance with such order, the above from the phone keyboard letters, on the conversion to the third step the answer: "OTOEOIOUYVL". 

      In the fourth step, the film Yi-day use, including Julius Caesar, and so on Ways multiplication of the third step can be seen almost answer further decoding, and finally found the fence can only read a pass. Yi-chip angel letters of this group was divided into "OTOEOI" and "OUYVL" two rows, and then plug the reorganization has been the fourth step of the alphabetical order: "OOTUOYEVOLI". 

     The fifth step was to become the most simple, and that is to be "OOTUOYEVOLI" reverse order, that is, "I LOVE YOU TOO". Yi-chip angel landlord also certainly have a non-touch screen mobile phone, and mobile phones should be a standard format keyboard. In addition, the landlord there is a laptop computer or regular contacts. Angel film Yi also said that the landlord and his relationship between a woman should be the kind of known for a long time, rather than love at first sight. 

      "Finally your reasoning is also absolutely correct. I really, Thank you so much." HighnessC landlord floor 220 in the subsequent post said. And, the remaining things landlord to the woman except to say the answers himself, the landlord of the posts have also been built to the February 8th Floor, No. 56 1668. Should also go to build the first floor?more man are more smart are really, really abstruse thinking.

